Dietary Spotlight: Avocado
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What am I?

Avocados are a fruit with many varieties. They can vary in shape, color, and size, and are consumed in a variety of ways. Often, they are mashed and made into guacamole.

How do I grow?

  • Avocados enjoy a warmer climate so many are grown in California. They do not grow in Wisconsin.
  • Avocados grown on trees.
  • You can tell an avocado is ripe if it is slightly squishy when gently squeezed. If you squeeze an avocado and it is hard, it is not ready to eat.
avocados growing on a tree

Nutrition Facts

Avocados are rich in healthy fats called monounsaturated fats. These types of fats are good for heart health. These types of fats help your body absorb vitamins A, D, K, and E.

Fun Facts

  • You can eat avocado plain, puree it into a smoothie, or mash it into guacamole.
  • Avocado is technically a fruit because of its large seed in the middle.
  • Millions, if not billions, of pounds of avocado are consumed yearly in the US.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction