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What am I?

Watermelons are part of the melon family and are long, oval shaped fruit that have a thick, green skin with red or yellow flesh. The entire watermelon is edible but traditionally only the sweet flesh is eaten.

How do I grow?

  • Watermelons grow on vines in raised beds which are planted in rows.
  • A yellowish spot on the bottom means that it is ripe and ready to be picked.
small watermelon on a vine

Nutritional Facts

  • Pumpkins are a nutrient-dense and naturally low-calorie food. One cup of cooked pumpkin is only 49 calories, but contains 49 percent of your daily needs for vitamin K, along with vitamin C, potassium, vitamin E, iron, folate, and niacin.
  • Pumpkins contain plenty of the antioxidant beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body and is shown in studies to help fight off infections, prevent some age-related vision problems, and may help protect the skin from harmful UV rays.

    hand holding a slice of watermelon

Fun Facts

  • Watermelons are 92% water and 8% sugar. 
  • They can grow with or without seeds. 
  • Watermelons are in the same gourd family as squash and cucumbers.